Before & After

File Drawer Before
We are all moving closer and closer to a paper-free office. Much of what you see in this file drawer is no longer necessary to keep due to advances in imaging and virtual storage of documents. Baring that in mind, this file drawer ‘flipped’ reasonably quickly; about 2 hours. In that time, categories were decided, and contents dropped in behind them. Time was taken to break out some of the overly full file folders. In this situation, there was follow up homework; mostly weeding out and decluttering. The next step was to begin transitioning as much as possible to electronic storage which will reduce the volume dramatically.

File Drawer After
We are all moving closer and closer to a paper-free office. Much of what you see in this file drawer is no longer necessary to keep due to advances in imaging and virtual storage of documents. Baring that in mind, this file drawer ‘flipped’ reasonably quickly; about 2 hours. In that time, categories were decided, and contents dropped in behind them. Time was taken to break out some of the overly full file folders. In this situation, there was follow up homework; mostly weeding out and decluttering. The next step was to begin transitioning as much as possible to electronic storage which will reduce the volume dramatically.

Jungle Closet Before
This closet had a ‘jungle feel’ because it was only 3 hangers wide. With clothes on each side, sidestepping was the only way to enter & exit.

Jungle Closet After
Clothes were rearranged to free up the left upper hanging space to either remain empty or ‘shelf-out’ in the future. The only items removed from this closet were extra hangers and one comforter. The homeowner had already removed unwanted clothing before any photo was taken. After organizing, it was easy to move the bathroom hamper into the closet, which gave the adjoining bathroom a bigger feel. Boxes were also added to the closet without causing any storage problems. The organizing process gave the homeowners easier access and allowed plenty of wiggle room necessary to maintain order in a high function area. This closet took 4.5 hours to complete.

Perfect Pantry Before
This pantry would be a dream come true for many. Although in mild disorder, it was spacious and served the family well. Like many, the homeowner did not get a feeling of order or calm when she used the pantry because of the way things were thoughtlessly placed on the shelves.

Perfect Pantry After
Simple changes were made to increase visibility and put like things together. Old, tired food was removed and ½ filled products were consolidated when possible. Adjustments were made to take in consideration the height and reach of each family member. The most important focus was to create order and smooth function. This pantry took 1.5 hours to complete.